
Ex post impact assessment of pineapple technology on peat soil

Ex post impact assessment of pineapple technology adopted on peat soil was carried out by using the adapted Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Framework (SRLF). Data was gathered by personal interview involving 100 pineapple growers in four districts in Johor. Results of the study revealed that the adoption of modern variety, crop and resource management, plant health management and post harvest technologies as recommended by MARDI was low. In general the technology for pineapple cultivation on peat soil had given positive impact on farmers’ income. The average farm productivity for Gandul and Moris varieties was higher than expected while the average farm productivity of Josapine was lower. The majority of farmers managed to generate average net income ≥RM3,000 per month as targeted. Unlike Josapine, the crop husbandry technology for Gandul and Moris had been an industry led technology. Any intervention by policy makers should focus on supporting their prices. The technology for Josapine cultivation should be fine-tuned after a few decades.


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