
Assessing consumer purchasing decision for breaded patin fillet
(Penilaian keputusan untuk membeli filet ikan patin berserdak roti)


The study focused on assessing consumers’ purchase decision for breaded patin fillet developed by MARDI. The mean value of the consumer purchase decision was derived from the dichotomous choice model and finally the marginal effects on purchasing decision of demographic and socio-economic variables were derived from logit regression analysis technique. It was revealed that 7.8% of the northern zone consumers were likely to purchase the product as compared to consumers in the Klang valley and 14% of the senior respondents with the age of 58 and above were less likely to purchase the product reviewed.


Kajian ini bertumpu kepada penentuan hubung kait antara faktor demografi dengan keputusan untuk membeli filet ikan patin berserdak roti yang telah dibangunkan oleh MARDI. Data dikumpulkan melalui survei pengguna menggunakan model pilihan dichotomous. Kesan marginal yang diperoleh daripada analisis regresi logit menunjukkan bahawa 7.8% pengguna di zon utara akan membeli produk dikaji berbanding dengan pengguna di Lembah Klang. Ini menunjukkan pengguna di utara lebih menggemari produk dikaji. Sebanyak 14% daripada responden yang berumur 58 tahun ke atas memberikan kesan negatif terhadap pembelian yang bermaksud mereka tidak akan membeli produk tersebut,iaitu Ceterus peribus.


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