
Status and impact of pineapple technology for selected on mineral soil

Status and impact assessment of pineapple technology on mineral soil was carried out using the adapted Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Framework (SRLF). Data were gathered by personal interview involving 52 respondents in 20 districts in Peninsular Malaysia. Results of the study revealed that the adoption of modern variety, crop and resource management, plant health management and postharvest technologies as recommended by MARDI/LPNM were low. Unlike pineapple cultivation on peat soil, the technology for pineapple cultivation on mineral soil had not given satisfactory impact on farmers’ income. Uneconomic farm size, poor crop management, low price of the fruits arising from low quality produce contributed to the low net income. Without subsidy, pineapple cultivation on mineral soil would not be an attractive venture. The technology for pineapple cultivation generally had matured. Any intervention by policy makers should focus on stabilizing the fruit prices and increasing the farms to an economic size of ≥2 ha. This could be achieved through efficient contract farming and farm consolidation. Radical technology such as new varieties and efficient farm management via mechanization are needed to revitalise the pineapple industry to ensure its sustainability and competitiveness.


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