
Persepsi dan kecenderungan pengguna di Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor dalam pembelian ikan dan hasil tangkapan laut
(The perceptions and inclinations of consumers in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor on the purchase of fish and sea catch products)

Peningkatan jumlah kedai runcit moden di Malaysia memberikan pilihan kepada pengguna dalam melakukan pembelian harian selain daripada kedai runcit tradisional. Pengguna lebih tertarik untuk membeli di kedai runcit moden kerana pelbagai kemudahan yang disediakan. Namun begitu, kedai tradisional juga masih mempunyai daya tarikan pasaran yang tersendiri. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan bagi melihat kelebihan dan kekuatan yang ada pada kedua-dua kedai runcit ini dari persepsi dan pengalaman pengguna. Kajian ini dijalankan di sekitar Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor menggunakan borang soal selidik. Seramai 100 orang responden dipilih dengan mengunakan pensampelan rawak. Kajian ini merujuk dan berpandukan kepada Model Tingkahlaku Pengguna yang menyatakan bahawa proses membuat keputusan di kalangan pengguna bermula apabila pengguna menyedari sesuatu masalah sehinggalah proses pembelian dilakukan. Kajian mendapati bahawa pengguna lebih gemar melakukan pembelian produk ikan dan hasil tangkapan laut di pasar tradisional berbanding dengan pasar moden. Dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science. Hasil dapatan kajian diharap dapat membantu kerajaan untuk menggubal polisi yang dapat membantu kedua-dua jenis kedai runcit dan juga pengguna. Selain itu, ia juga diharap dapat membantu peruncit untuk memahami gelagat pengguna terkini dan membantu peruncit tradisional meningkatkan perkhidmatan mereka. Hal ini penting agar peruncit tradisional kekal relevan di pasaran dan bersaing dengan kedai runcit moden khususnya dalam penawaran produk ikan dan hasil tangkapan laut.

An increase in the number of modern retail shops in Malaysia has given more choices to consumers in their daily purchases, other than the traditional retail shops. Consumers are inclined to buy at the modern retailers because of the availability of diverse amenities at these places. Nevertheless, traditional retail shops still do have their own unique market attractiveness. Hence, this study has been carried out to observe the advantages and strengths that can be discerned in both types of retail shops from the perceptions and experiences of consumers. The study has been implemented in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor through questionnaires. A random sampling method has been incorporated with a total of 100 respondents. The study has referred to and been guided by the Consumer Behaviour Model which states that the decision making process amongst consumers begins when they come to realise a problem until the buying process is performed. The study has found out that consumers are prone to do their shopping for fish and sea catch products at traditional markets rather than at the modern ones. The analyses for the study have been made by the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). It is hoped that the results of the study will assist the government to come up with policies that can help both types of retail shops and also assist the consumers. It is also hoped that the study will help retailers to understand the behaviour of consumers nowadays and also help traditional retailers to upgrade their services. This is important so as to maintain the relevance of these traditional retailers in the market, and for them to keep up with the competition from their modern counterparts especially in the sale of fish and sea catch products.


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