
Problems and constraints of the local herbs and medicinal plants (HMP) processing industry

A study on market structure, demand and potential of the herbal and medicinal plants (HMP) processing industry was conducted throughout Peninsular Malaysia. Respondents were interviewed using structured questionnaires. One of the objectives of this study was to identify problems and constraints faced by local HMP processors. A multivariate factor analysis using the principal component method in estimating the correlation matrix, communalities, eigenvalues, factor coefficients or loading, and residuals was used on the HMP processing plants. A varimax rotation algorithm was performed to induce an orthogonal factor dimension. The results of the analysis showed that capital/finance, workers, technology, raw materials and marketing were the five significant underlying factors hampering the growth and development of the local HMP processing industry. It is important that efforts are taken to facilitate local HMP processors in overcoming these problems and constraints in order to ensure that the growth and expansion of the industry can be accelerated.


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