
Penilaian keberkesanan aktiviti pemindahan teknologi ternakan melalui latihan teknikal (Evaluation of the effectiveness of livestock technology transfer activities through technical training courses)


Penilaian keberkesanan latihan teknikal ternakan sepanjang 2008 dan 2009 dijalankan dengan menggunakan Penilaian Empat Tahap Kirkpatrick dPenilaian keberkesanan aktiviti pemindahan teknologi ternakan melalui latihan teknikalengan tumpuan kepada Kaedah Penilaian Kirkpatrick Tahap Satu iaitu tahap penilaian reaksi. Sebanyak 354 responden iaitu peserta kursus ternakan telah dianalisis dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini bertujuan menilai keberkesanan kursus yang dijalankan oleh MARDI dan mengaitkan faktor sosioekonomi dengan penyertaan peserta dalam aktiviti kursus serta tahap pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang diperoleh. Analisis deskriptif telah digunakan untuk menjelaskan faktor tersebut. Hasil kajian mendapati peningkatan pemahaman peserta selepas mengikut kursus mempunyai korelasi positif dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama ialah keterampilan penceramah (p <0.05, r = 0.136) dan faktor kedua ialah modul latihan yang mantap (p <005, r = 0.162). Antara cadangan penambahbaikan yang boleh dilaksanakan termasuk penambahbaikan kualiti pengendalian latihan secara berterusan, penambahbaikan modul berteraskan keperluan industri dan pendekatan bersepadu antara personel latihan, agensi penganjur kursus dan pihak pengurusan syarikat. Keberkesanan latihan mampu mewujudkan modal insan berkompetensi tinggi sekali gus menyumbang kepada misi kerajaan untuk meningkatkan populasi ternakan ruminan dan seterusnya mengurangkan kebergantungan kepada daging import.



Evaluation of the effectiveness of technical training during the year 2008 and 2009 was conducted using the Kirkpatrick Four Level Evaluation Model with a focus on Level One (Reaction). A total of 354 respondents of livestock technical course participants were involved in this study. This study examined the effectiveness of the course organized by MARDI. The study also attempted to examine the relationship between socioeconomic factors and participation in course activities and the level of acquired knowledge and understanding. Descriptive analysis was used to describe these factors. Generally, this research highlighted that competent trainer and well established module were the most important factors that affected the participant evaluation and understanding during the course. Suggestions for improvement that can enhance the effectiveness of a training module are: improving the quality of training operations on an on going basis, developed industry-based modules and integrated approach between training personnel, the organizer and the management. These are the direct measure to create a highly competent human capital that will contribute to the government mission to increase the livestock population and thus reduce dependence on import.


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