
Consumer utilization, preferences and perceptions toward chilled and frozen food

A study on Malaysian consumer utilization and preferences towards chilled and frozen food, conducted in Malaysia involving 1,042 respondents, was carried out via survey. The results showed that fish ball was a highly demanded frozen food among consumers. The consumption of chilled and frozen foods among Malaysians was increasing yearly because of the needs for convenient products especially by urban residents. The important factors that influence purchasing of chilled and frozen food are based on product’s assurance, such as quality, hygiene, halal and the expiry date of products. The important output from this study showed that consumers preferred local products over imported ones. Supermarkets/hypermarkets were the first choice of consumers to get chilled and frozen food products, followed by retail and farmer markets. Based on consumers’ recommendations, more than 150 new products can be developed and commercialized such as frozen chicken BBQ, rabbit sausage and frozen sea cucumber.



Penggunaan dan kecenderungan pengguna terhadap makanan sejuk beku

Kajian penggunaan dan kecenderungan pengguna di Malaysia terhadap makanan sejuk beku telah dijalankan pada 2007 melibatkan 1,042 orang responden menggunakan kaedah soal selidik. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bebola ikan merupakan produk sejuk beku paling mendapat sambutan pengguna. Penggunaan produk sejuk beku di kalangan penduduk Malaysia meningkat dari tahun ke tahun disebabkan keperluan terhadap produk konvenien, khususnya oleh penduduk bandar. Antara faktor penting yang mendorong pembelian produk sejuk beku ialah jaminan keselamatan produk seperti kualiti, kebersihan, pengesahan halal dan tarikh luput produk. Penemuan penting kajian ini menunjukkan pengguna cenderung membeli produk tempatan berbanding dengan produk import. Pasar raya merupakan saluran pemasaran yang penting bagi produk sejuk beku, diikuti oleh kedai runcit dan pasar tani. Berdasarkan cadangan responden, lebih daripada 150 produk baru boleh dibangunkan dan dikomersialkan seperti ayam BBQ sejuk beku, sosej arnab dan gamat sejuk beku.


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