

Economic production of guava

Guava farming had been commercialized in Malaysia in the mid 80s. Perak, Johor and Melaka were the main production areas that had been producing fresh guava. The use of guava is not only for fresh consumption, but also for processing purposes. Juice, cordial, jam, pickles and sliced guava in syrup are some of the processed products. This research involved 30 farmers who planted two varieties, either GU 6 or GU 8 (seeded) and GU 11 or GU 15. All the data and information that had been collected, such as farmer’s profile, management system, production cost and also cost and income were compiled for analytical purposes. The analyses for financial and productivity were conducted to identify the viability of the project. The average production of guava for each variety was 17,664 kg/ha and 15,970 kg/ha respectively with the average profit per year of RM7,109 and RM10,568. The results showed that the value of IRR per variety was at 26% and 28% respectively and productivity index for each was 1.51 and 1.82. The regression analyses showed that yield, plant age and hectarage were the variables determining farmer’s income. Cobb-Douglas analysis showed that the input cost was the main factor that determined the farmer’s output/income, followed by the capital cost. Generally, guava farming is labour intensive.High yield and productivity could be achieved by utilizing mechanization for fruit wrapping and other farming activities.


Ekonomi pengeluaran jambu batu

Tanaman jambu batu telah dikomersialkan di Malaysia pada pertengahan 80-an. Penanaman jambu batu banyak tertumpu di Perak, Johor dan Melaka. Jambu batu dimakan segar dan diproses untuk menghasilkan produk berasaskan jambu batu seperti jus, kordial, jem, jeruk dan hirisan jambu batu di dalam sirap. Seramai 30 orang responden yang menanam jambu batu varieti berbiji (GU 6 atau GU 8) dan varieti tidak berbiji (GU 11 atau GU 15), telah ditemu bual bagi memperoleh data seperti profil petani, kos pengeluaran dan sistem pengurusan serta hasil dan pulangan. Analisis kewangan dan produktiviti menunjukkan bahawa penanaman jambu batu ialah projek yang berdaya maju. Purata hasil pengeluaran jambu batu berbiji (GU 6 dan GU 8) dan yang tidak berbiji (GU 11 dan GU 15) masing–masing ialah 17,664 kg/ha dan 15,970 kg/ha dengan pendapatan bersih tahunan sehektar ialah RM7,109 dan RM10,568. Nilai IRR pula masing-masing 26% dan 28% manakala indeks produktiviti ialah 1.51 dan 1.82. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahawa angkubah hasil, usia tanaman dan keluasan mempengaruhi pendapatan petani. Analisis Cobb-Douglas pula menunjukkan bahawa kos input ialah faktor penting yang menentukan hasil/pendapatan petani diikuti oleh faktor modal. Secara amnya, aktiviti penanaman jambu batu masih berintensif buruh. Penggunaan teknologi mekanisasi bagi pembalutan buah dan amalan ladang yang lain perlu dimajukan bagi meningkatkan hasil dan produktiviti ladang.


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